Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School
Notebook Check
Name: ________________________ Teacher: Dr. J. M. Rainey


Completion of Required Sections
All required sections are complete. One required section is missing. Two or three required sections are missing. More than three required sections are missing.



Missing Sections

No sections of the notebook are missing. One sections of the notebook is missing. Two sections of the notebook are missing. Three or more sections of the notebook are missing.
Headers / Footers
No required header(s) and/or footer(s) are missing within notebook. One or two required header(s) and/or footer(s) are missing within notebook. Three or four required header(s) and/or footer(s) are missing within notebook. More than four required header(s) and/or footer(s) are missing within notebook.
All assignment and/or notes are kept in a logical or numerical sequence. One or two assignments and/or notes are not in a logical or numerical sequence. Three or Four assignments and/or notes are not in a logical or numerical sequence. More than four assignments and/or notes are not in a logical or numerical sequence.
Overall notebook is kept very neat. Overall notebook is kept in a satisfactory condition. Overall notebook is kept in a below satisfactory condition. Overall notebook is unkept and very disorganized.


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